How to Stop Worrying and Calm Your Mind. Worry.

How to Stop Worrying and Calm Your Mind

It seems like our world is changing rapidly at the moment and given much of the news coverage over the last year or so, it would be hard not to worry about what it all means for you and your family.

It’s natural to worry when times are uncertain, but when this becomes consuming or turns into anxiety we must take steps to calm our minds and free ourselves from worry. 

The impact of worrying

As human beings, we have the amazing ability to think about future events.

Thinking ahead can be useful at times, such as anticipating problems or opportunities on business projects, or planning for an upcoming event we are attending.

However, thinking ahead can sometimes leave us feeling anxious or apprehensive.

When we worry excessively, we often think about worst case scenarios or feel like we won’t be able to cope – when in fact most of the things we worry about don’t actually happen, and for those that do, we cope much better than we predicted. 

I’ve talked before about how anxiety affects people, but left unchecked, worry and stress can manifest itself in physical and mental health problems which can have devastating consequences on your quality of life.

Some of the common physical symptoms of worry and anxiety include muscle tension, aches and pains, restlessness and an inability to relax, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, and feeling easily fatigued.

Being stuck in these negative loops of thinking isn’t a great place to be.

Breaking free from worry

There are ways for you to break free from worry once you recognise that that’s what it is.

Change is inevitable as society and technology evolve so we must learn to adjust and trust that we will cope with whatever life throws at us.

No matter how hard things feel at the time, bad times always pass and brighter days start to appear.

Until then, we must find some inner peace even when there is uncertainty around us.

When we are struggling with anxiety and worry, we can lose touch with things that used to give us pleasure. So decide to do at least one activity each day that you find pleasurable and brings you joy.

Some examples could be; reading a good book, watching a comedy, dancing or singing to your favourite songs, taking a relaxing bath, or cooking your favourite meal.

Meditation and mindfulness activities can also really help with worry. Try noticing your breath or the sounds outside, or take some time to sit and sew or paint or do something creative.

Getting out in nature, even briefly, is also really beneficial as it has a wonderful calming effect.

Never beat yourself up for worrying, it simply means that you care. Show yourself the same compassion and kindness that you would show a friend and reassure yourself that it will all work out ok.

Counselling for worry and stress

If you feel like worry or stress are having a detrimental affect on your life, you may need to talk through your feelings with a trained professional.

Never be ashamed of seeking help, the benefits of talking therapies are well recognised and thousands of people receive counselling each year.

You deserve to live a healthy and happy life free from worry, stress, and anxiety.

If you’re not a current client and would like some support, I offer psychotherapeutic counselling in Suffolk, or online for those living further afield or not able to travel.

To book a counselling session or find out more about how I can help you, you can contact me here.

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